For positive sale by order of the Mortgagees.
1579 Acres 22 Perches of
situated on tho Cadiangullong Creek, 12 miles from township of ORANGE, and 44 miles from BATHURST, together with all the mining and smelting plant, buildings, machinery, tools, gear, and every requisite for carrying on copper mining and smelting on an extensive scale.
Title unquestionable. For particulars of which apply to Messrs. WANT, SON, and JOHNSON, Solicitors, Pitt-street.
GORMAN and MILLER have received instructions from the mortgagees to sell by public auction, at their Land Sale Rooms, 183, Pitt-street, at 11 o’clock: on TUESDAY, 16th June,
The above valuable and extensive mineral property,
known as
situated as above, in the county of BATHURST, and about 12 miles from ORANGE, from whence the produce of the mine is transmitted to Sydney at an average cost hitherto of not exceeding £4 per ton of refined copper, but which will be much reduced as the Great Western Railway, now in progress of construction, reaches Bathurst.
With the CADIANGULLONG FREEHOLD and MINES will be sold all the PLANT and MACHINERY now on the ground, the BUILDINGS, SMELTING FURNACES, and IMPROVEMENTS, consisting of 1 Large Cornish stationary engine, 50 H.P., with 25-inch vertical cylinder, and 10 ton boiler, having the latest improvements, and used for pumping, crushing, jigging, and hauling. Attached to which is a 9-inch pump of 2 lifts, in adit 26 fathoms, with rods, balance boxes, jigging machines, &c., complete; also, a PATENT STONE BREAKER, and SAWING MACHINERY, &c., &c.
1—12 H.P. portable or fixed engine, with hauling and pumping gear complete, and 40 fathoms of 6-inch pump work.
1—8 H.P. portable engine, with hauling gear, &c., complete.
A large quantity of duplicate machinery.
Mining implements of all kinds
Forges, turning lathes and tools.
1 Engine-house for large engine, substantiaIIy built of stone, and roofed with galvanised iron.
1 Manager’s house, and a large number of miners’ houses, assay office, 2 blacksmith shops, wood sheds, mining office, 2 powder magazines 5 smelting furnaces, I roaster and 1 calcining furnace, 1 large shed with iron covered roof, 3 ditto covering furnaces.
Besides which there are TWO HOTELS, sundry store-keepers’ houses, shops, and post-office on the property, and belonging to the proprietors.
The quantity of FINE COPPER obtained from the Mines amounts to –tons since they were first opened.
A vein of GOLD-BEARING QUARTZ runs through the property, which, it is believed, contains a payable quantity of gold. This, however, has not been worked, owing to the company having devoted their capital to develop the copper mines.
A FAIR FIELD now presents itself for investment by any company possessed of MODERATE CAPITAL to carry it on, especially seeing that the chief difficulties have been overcome, and that a very LARGE PLANT with MOST AMPLE MACHINERY is already on the ground to continue operations for the working of the MINES and SMELTING WORKS, and with all necessary power for QUARTZ CRUSHING, as also for the operations to which engine power can be applied.
The auctioneers would invite the attention of
CAPITALISTS, SPECULATORS, and OTHERS who may be desirous of investing in this kind of property, and of acquiring a MOST COMPLETE AND VALUABLE MINE, to the amount of money that has been expended upon it and the extensive works connected therewith, to bring the whole into thorough working order, and in a fit state for operations to be resumed forthwith in a most efficient manner, every requisite for the purpose being on the ground.
*** An INVENTORY of the whole of the buildings, machinery plant, and materials can be seen at the rooms of the auctioneers, who will also afford every information that may be required on application by intending purchasers.
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