The History & Archaeology of Cadia Valley


Archaeological Sites

Plan of the Cadia Properties, 1881.


The Scottish Australian Mining Company’s plan of the Cadia Properties in 1881 reveals specific details of the mine and village, not seen on the earlier plan of 1878. The principal lodes of copper and iron ore are shown, along with the gold reefs. The location of the Cornish Engine and the Smelting Works are plotted. Within the Village four buildings are shown, the School, the Chaplain’s House, the Chapel and Christoe’s House (see detail). The Mine Manager’s House is not identified. The importance of education and the religious life of the villagers is revealed by this brief list of identified buildings.

The plan also clearly indicates a group of buildings at the main creek crossing, revealing the centre of the early Village.

The two water races and stamper battery, constructed in the 1870s to exploit the gold reefs are shown on this plan. The plan also shows the former location of the Canoblas Mining Company at Little Cadia and the location of a house to the south of the mine, possibly the one belonging to Dr. Matthew Blood.

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